May / 19

Calascibetta: archeo-trekking in Canalotto and Realmese

A few kilometers from Enna, the rock settlement of C.da Canalotto (the ancient hisn al Giran) is inserted in a forest rich in vegetation and overlooking the valley of the river Morello. 40 caves  (basilicas, oil mills and winery), obtained in the limestone, were inhabited from the Byzantine and Arab times up to the fifties of the last century. Not far away, the indigenous necropolis of Realmese: a complex of 288 tombs carved into the limestone rock dating back to the 11th century BC. The community was dedicated to agriculture and sheep farming, until the arrival of the Greeks. Knowing these natives of central Sicily allows us to better understand who we are and where we come from, immersed in a wild nature among the scents of wild herbs.

Difficulty: medium. Length of route: 5 km.